METRO Compliance Programme
Simply right.
The way METRO operates is based on a large number of legal provisions and self-imposed standards of conduct. In 2007, we passed a group-wide Compliance Programme to ensure compliance with these rules in our day-to-day business practice. The programme draws together all the measures needed for compliance with the rules. Implementation of the compliance measures is coordinated by METRO's Compliance Officers. Our Compliance Programme helps our staff comply with all the relevant rules and standards.
A key component of the Compliance Programme are the eight METRO business principles:
- We make a strict distinction between personal interests and the interests of the company.
- We do not offer anyone an advantage that cannot be justified.
- We do not use our position to our personal advantage.
- We treat all information from the company as confidential.
- We respect the rules of fair competition.
- We treat everyone as equals.
- We are a fair employer.
- We respect all legal provisions and regulations.
Informing, advising, training
METRO relies on an educational approach to anchor the business principles in the minds of employees.
A document in the intranet, for example, explains the eight principles with the help of practical examples. Simply. Clearly. Intelligibly. In addition, we organise training sessions and offer advice. If required, there is also an intranet-based self-assessment tool.
We inform all our employees about the rules and standards that are relevant to their areas of work. We help employees to fulfil their obligations. We inject life into our compliance principles.
METRO continually checks for compliance with all the rules and standards. A dedicated Compliance Organisation analyses any weak points. Where necessary, the Compliance Officers develop concrete measures to prevent misconduct.
If situations are unclear, there are a number of people available for advice, including the local Compliance Officers. Anyone who notices a violation against the compliance rules can also use the METRO Compliance Reporting System. This option is available both to employees and to third parties, e.g. customers, suppliers and business partners. Reports are sent online and can be sent anonymously.
To the METRO Compliance Reporting System (secure, external website):
If you have a query about compliance, please contact:
Please consult the KPMG audit report for further information on Compliance at METRO.
Business Principles
METRO's business principles form the basis for a common understanding of how METRO conducts its business and regulates cooperation in everyday working life. The employees commit themselves to adhering to the business principles. In this way, we protect METRO from economic damage and loss of image..
METRO Code of Conduct for Business Partners
The METRO Code of Conduct for Business Partners defines our fundamental principles in the areas of the environment, social affairs and business ethics. We expect our partners to fulfil this code in their daily cooperation with us.
Tax strategy
METRO respects the applicable tax conditions – worldwide, in every country in which we are active. We fulfil all statutory provisions. We have no interest in artificial tax structuring. We respect taxation along the value chain. We have no specific transfer price system that is not in accordance with the value chain. We welcome the OECD initiative against the undermining of the basis of taxation and artificial transfer of profits (BEPS – base erosion and profit shifting).
METRO Anti-Corruption Guideline
The prevention of corruption and bribery is at the core of compliance at METRO. The internal guideline include a number of preventive measures to avoid corruption in the first place. It focuses on dealing with business partners and public officials.
METRO Data Protection
For us, data protection is not just an empty phrase. We take the protection of personal data very seriously, both for our employees and for our customers, suppliers and all other persons. We spend a great effort to ensure this protection. We take care that all data is only processed in accordance with the strict legal requirements.